Aloitan Kööpenhaminasta. Kööpenhnaminassa oli paljon sisustusliikkeita, luonnollisesti koska monet tunnetut suunnittelijat tulevat Tanskanmaalta. Näimme myös paljon ihanasti sisustettuja kahviloita ja ravintoloita. Emme kuitenkaan juurikaan käyneet sisustusliikkeissä, sillä halusimme keskittyä kaupungin tutkimiseen. Ja valitetattavasti rinkoisamme oli hyvin rajallinen määrä tilaa tavaralle. Onneksi ulkonakin riitti nähtävää, katsopa vaikka Kööpenhaminan arkkitehtuuria ja tuota ihanaa kasvitieteellisen puutarhan kukkakauppaa:
It has been a long long time since I wrote something. Yeah, sad. But I have good reasons for it. Firstly, I've been working terribly much. There have been days when I have been staring at my computer screen for 11 hours, sigh. Secondly, my husband and I went for an InterRail trip. It was an awesome nice trip and everything went even better than expected. We visited five cities: Stockholm, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Gent and Paris. I'll give you little sneak peeks of our trip.
I will start with Copenhagen. In Copenhagen there were several home decoration shops, naturally because many well-known designers come from Denmark. We also saw many nicely decorated cafes and restaurants. However, we didn't want to spend much time in shops, because we wanted focus on exploring the city. And unfortunately we only had our backpacks with us, so we weren't able to buy anything big. But there was much to see outside too, just take a look at the architecture of Copenhagen and that beautiful flower shop at the botanical garden:
Kaduilla riitti myös paljon asioita, jotka kiinnittivät sisustusfriikin huomion. Nuo vihreät tuolit ja pöytä keskellä katua näyttivät hurmaavilta. Ja tuo kahvilan kyltti oli mielestäni todella söpö.
In the streets, many little details caught my eye. Those green chairs and table in the middle of the street looked so adorable. And that sign with a bulb was also really cute.
We also visited a nice cafe/restaurant that serves really good organic food: Kalaset. The decoration of the cafe was inventive and fun. They had, for example, old radios on the walls. And the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly. I recommend ordering "mormor" brunch, it was sooo delicious.
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