Christmas is over and soon everyone will be celebrating New Year. But before that, I would like to show you some of the Christmas presents I got this year. I got those beautiful enamel jars for sugar and coffee from my sister. They already found their place on the kitchen windowsill. A friend of mine also bought me kitchen things: a wooden bowl, kitchen soap, a glass jar and a Moomin mug.
Sain äitiltäni ja isältäni Teeman tarjoiluastioita (Testasin jo: toimivat täydellisesti kana-saksanpähkinä-salaatin kanssa! ;) Siskoni antoi minulle myös tuon söpön joulukoristeen ja tuon mustavalkoisen kortin, jonka kehystin.
My parents gave me those Teema's serving dishes (I already tested: perfect for my chicken walnut salad! ;) My sister also gave me that cute Christmas decoration and that black-and-white card.
Poikaystäväni antoi minulle uuden lompakon (love it!) ja hänen vanhemmiltaan sain Marimekon pipon, huivin ja sormikkaat.
My boyfriend gave me a new wallet (love it!) and his parents gave me Marimekko's stocking cap, scarf and gloves.
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